Good Neighbor Fund

When the transmission broke on my car, I didn’t have enough
saved for the repair. I needed it fixed fast or else I would have lost
my job. Lighthouse was able to help cover the cost of the repair
and even referred me to a local repair shop who didn’t overcharge
me for the service.” – Jim, Auburn Hills, MI

It's hard to imagine parents who have to make the difficult decision between feeding their children or repairing their broken furnace. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many of our neighbors. Most of us have family or friends who are there to help when times are rough, but others have no one to rely on and instead turn to Lighthouse for help. Lighthouse is here to help people when no one else can. The Good Neighbor Fund is for this purpose, and we are able to help because of generous supporters like you.

YOU CAN HELP! Click here to donate to the Good Neighbor Fund.
The Good Neighbor Fund is dedicated to helping people solve what may be small problems, but left unsolved would snowball into much larger problems with devastating consequences.

Your contributions large and small help vulnerable, struggling, often working families avoid job loss, the risk of children getting sick, and unhealthy, cold homes.

$25 - Transportation for a Week - Specifically for a New Job (Gas cards, bus fare, etc.)
$100 - New Job Kit (Interview Attire, Work Uniform, Shoes, Etc.)
$125 - New Furniture
$200 - Newborn Essentials Kit (Car seat, Pack n Play, Diapers, etc.)
$500 - Emergency Hotel Stay for a Family after Crisis (Fire, Homelessness, etc.)
$750 - Car Repair
$1000 - First Month's Rent and Move In Costs

Every dollar you donate to the Good Neighbor Fund goes directly to the unique, immediate needs our families are facing.

Click here to donate to the Good Neighbor Fund